Founder's Best Friend is your roadmap to business success. We know you aspire to run a profitable venture, but despite your confidence in your offering, the anticipated economic results may still elude you, leaving you uncertain about the next steps.
Many founders risk losing focus by chasing multiple tactics. However, we believe that by focusing on essential actions, you can generate steady revenue.
Having navigated this challenging phase ourselves and aided many founders, we understand the apprehension of stepping into an uncertain landscape. Yet, we also know the triumph of not just reaching, but exceeding initial financial goals.
That's why we've established the Founder's Best Friend community. We're here to unite like-minded founders and guide you through the crucial steps of establishing and scaling your businesses.
Start with a Founder's Focus session today. In the meantime, take our Compelling Narrative Assessment. Stop losing customers in the sales process and start watching your revenue stream flow consistently with Founder's Best Friend.
Market adoption is critical because it provides a foundation for future growth and success. It ensures that your marketing effectively moves customers to action and that your business has won its position in the market.
The 1st economic milestone is a financial goal that indicates your business's profitability and success in the market. It's calculated by combining the cost of goods sold, overhead, and profitability goals for the next 12 months.
A compelling narrative is a powerful story that engages your audience and encourages them to take action. It effectively communicates your business message and helps guide customers through their journey with your business.
Monetization Programming involves strategizing your customer's journey from awareness to consideration to engagement in a way that they recognize the benefit and assign high value to your product or service, leading to profitability.
The Compelling Narrative Assessment is a tool provided by Founder's Best Friend to help you understand how well you communicate your business value to your customers.
Founder's Best Friend guides you through crafting a compelling narrative for your customers, achieving your first economic milestone, and understanding the level of your business. Business owners in our FBF community can access live workshops, self-paced education and 1:1 coaching.
Market Adoption is the process by which a new product or service is accepted by the market. It's crucial for businesses as it can determine the success and longevity of their products or services.
To maximize the benefits, actively participate, be open to feedback, implement what you learn, and offer your own insights and support to others. The more you put into the Founder’s Best Friend, the more you'll get out.
If you want to grow your business, improve your marketing, learn from others' experiences, and have a supportive community to hold you accountable, Founder’s Best Friend could be a great fit. If you're not willing to share and contribute, or if you're looking for a quick fix rather than long-term growth, it might not be the best option.
Costs vary depending on where you’re at in the entrepreneurial journey. Our Existential Course and Community is free. When you’re ready to validate your business’s market readiness, our Essentials Community is $500/mo. As your business grows in size and complexity, you can access our higher levels of support and service.
As a member, you're expected to actively participate in meetings, contribute your own insights and experiences, and support other members. Confidentiality is also crucial, as members often share sensitive business information.
Founder’s Best Friend is an active community with content-focused events scheduled each week, like webinars, workshops or office hours.
Founder's Best Friend unites entrepreneurial minds across all business stages. Our community boasts top-tier leaders like CMOs and COOs, mirroring the same leadership dynamism as founders. The unifying thread? An unwavering commitment to carving a sustainable growth path for their businesses.
By joining Founder's Best Friend, you gain access to a diverse pool of knowledge and experience. You'll get fresh perspectives on your marketing challenges, learn about proven strategies, and have a supportive community to keep you accountable. All helping you find a sustainable path to growth.
We stand by our commitment to help you grow your business. If at any time you’re not satisfied, we will refund you that month’s membership without question or hesitation.
Take our marketing maturity quiz and discover where you are strong and where you can improve