Rehme Architectural Systems

How developing a new offering pivoted from bankruptcy to sustainable growth.

ThriveSide was asked to engage with Rehme to help them “figure out how to market” their product.

Project Timeline

2020 - 2021

Increased ROI revenue




Project Overview

Rehme provides high-end stainless steel windows and doors for luxury homes in Texas.

Client Background:

Rehme had recently filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy after the cost of several lawsuits added up. While they were not at fault, they were left as the only company left in existence in these class action lawsuits. They were forced to reorganize their company and their offerings in order to survive. 


After filing for Chapter 11, Rehme switched their product to a product that would not rust (stainless steel). This was the original cause of the lawsuit. However, they had a tarnished reputation in an industry where reputation is everything. They needed to make a guarantee to their channel partner builders that their product was indeed superior to competitors. 

In this process, they engaged multiple marketing partners that pushed products that did not move the needle, leading to frustration.

Project Execution

ThriveSide was asked to engage with Rehme to help them “figure out how to market” their product. They needed to rebuild their reputation with builders and homeowners, and efficiently sell their products.

Our Approach:

  1. Identify and develop offerings
  2. Map offerings to the first three  steps in the ThriveSide architecture framework (Existential, Discovery, and Adoption)
  3. Articulate the impact and benefit to the audience for these offerings while tieing these offerings to value


  • Identified the cause of their initial issues that led to Chapter 11: a guarenteed outcome to customers that they could not guarantee
  • Eliminated ineffective marketing efforts, saving Rehme over $20k/month
  • Reorganized the business around an offering that Rehme could guarantee and control
  • Identified and guided Rehme as they developed strategies to rebuild their reputation and drive business with their new offering


Within weeks of developing their new offering, Rehme re-established a relationship with a major channel partner that had been severed after the Chapter 11 filing. This meant an immediate $3 million in revenue, plus the potential for much more through future business. 

Rehme also conducted a successful grand opening of their showroom, in which they were able to re-introduce Rehme to the most important players in their industries with strategies provided by ThriveSide.

Rehme was about to understand what made their business fail in the first place. But instead they learn how to fix those problems, and how to take the next steps towards a sustainable and growing business.

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